I have heard a lot of good things about author Kristin Hannah, but until recently I had never gotten the chance to read her novels. It was recommended that I start with Winter Garden, and I have to say, all of the love for Kristin Hannah novels is not misplaced.
Winter Garden is the story of two completely different sisters who attempt to reconnect with each other and their emotionally absent mother after their dad's death. I found the characters to be completely real, with their own faults and flaws that they either had to overcome or learn to deal with. The sisters constantly struggle with who they are and what they want, which is something that a lot of people deal with. It made the characters really come to life.
I was hooked on this story from the very first page. It is filled with all different kinds of emotions, from happiness, to sorrow, to despair, with a little bit of anger and disbelief thrown in. By the time I reached the end, I was bawling like a baby because it was just so moving and so touching. I don't think I have read a novel this good in a very long time.
So, if you haven't read Kristin Hannah, I highly recommend that you do so. I know I'm going to read more of her novels.
5 out of 5 stars.