I'll be honest here, I don't normally pick up books that have to deal with drugs or other illegal activities. However, this book was generously donated to a book group I belong to, and I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone and try a book that I would normally walk past. I am very glad I gave Sherry and Narcotics a try, because it was well worth it.
This book deals with some very dark subject matters, but it does so in a compelling way. I was hooked from the first page and even now I feel like I have to take some time to really reflect on what I've read. It was a bit haunting, but so real. I felt like I was really there and I wanted to shake some sense into the characters. It was a very well-written book and I'm happy to have read it. Once I read a book, I usually reflect on it for a little while and then move on to the next book. This is a different kind of book. This is one of those books that is going to stick with me for a very long time.
The only problems with the book were things that were most likely no fault of the author, but of the publisher. It needs page numbers, I like being able to flip to a page to remember where I am. Also, the font was a bit odd, but once I got used to it, I could overlook it.
4.5 out of 5 stars