Life From Scratch was available for free for my Kindle not too long ago, so I decided to download it and give it a try. I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised.
Life From Scratch follows the story of Rachel Goldman who is trying to rediscover herself after her divorce. She starts a food blog and shares her thoughts and feelings with the world. We, as the reader, get to see her try her hand at cooking, baking, writing, and dating.
I really enjoyed the character of Rachel. She is one of those characters that leads with her heart and wears her emotions on her sleeve. She feels deeply and that can be both good and bad. I felt like I really connected with Rachel. I felt like I really got to know who she was...flaws and all.
Life From Scratch was a light, quick, fun read with a heart. This story has hilarious antics and some serious moments too. If you are looking for a nice read, then this is a good book for that. I absolutely enjoyed this book.
I give it 4 out of 5 stars.