On Folly Beach was another traveling book from my online book club. However, one day I stupidly left it on the bed and my 1 year old daughter got to it and tore the cover to shreds. So, I had to order a replacement book. Luckily, while waiting for the replacement I was still able to read this book.
On Folly Beach intermixes two stories. One is of Emmy in 2009 buying the bookstore that was once owned by Maggie. And then Maggie and Lulu who are sisters living in in 1942-43. When Emmy buys the bookstore, Lulu is still alive and still doing her side business of making bottle trees out of the back.
At first the story seems a bit jumpy, but I got used to it. While I liked the story and watching Maggie and Lulu, and later Emmy and Lulu interact, I felt that it dragged in the middle. I was turning page after page just waiting for something to happen.
The only character I felt any emotion toward at all was Maggie. I was rooting for her, and I felt what she felt. When she was hurting my heart went out to her. I think I could have gotten there with Lulu, but she remained so closed off for so long that when she finally did open up it was too little too late for me. As far as Emmy...I really wish I could have liked her more than I did, but she was just kind of there to me.
The story itself was beautiful, I just wish it had been told a little bit more concisely.
I give this book 2.5 out of 5 stars.