Sweet Baklava was another one of those books that was free for Kindle that I finally just got around to reading. Imagine my surprise when I start it, and it's set in the next town over from me. It is set in Tarpon Springs, which is a small town right on the Gulf of Mexico that has a large Greek community. I have to say that all of the descriptions of Tarpon Springs were spot on, so Mayne had obviously done her homework.
Sweet Baklava is the story about Paula, a woman who is not Greek and owns a soap and candle shop on the docks, and Nick, a man who is from a large Greek family who is on six weeks leave from the Air Force. Nick and his family are determined to do everything they can to help woo Paula and convince her to marry Nick.
While the story was cute, it was nothing really special. At times the relationship between Paula and Nick felt forced and by the end of it I realized that I didn't care if they got together or not. They went back and forth and back and forth and I just wanted to tell them "enough already! make a decision!"
Also, I found Paula and Nick almost too-good-to-be-true characters. They both always seemed to know what to do and when to do it to make the most people happy. Nick just kept showing up whenever he thought he was needed, even if he wasn't, and taking over trying to make everything all better.
While I was glad to see a story set in my area, it just wasn't that great to me. I'm glad it was free.
2 out of 5 stars.